We want you to love your JoJo handbag. If for any reason you don’t, returns will be accepted within 15 days of receipt provided that they possess all original tags and are in brand new and completely unused condition. In order for a return to be valid it must receive an RMA number from JoJo Handbags. RMA requests can be made by emailing us at info@jojohandbags.com. Return shipping is at customer’s expense and original shipping charges are non-refundable.
We are committed to producing the highest quality handbags. If you receive an item that has a manufacturing defect (e.g. broken hardware), we will repair/replace it within 90 days of delivery. Simply email us at info@jojohandbags.com with your original order details, a description of the defect as well as photos of the problem. We will send you instructions for your return shipping.
Our bags are made from high quality cow hides and fabric. Due to the unique characteristics of genuine leather, color inconsistencies and small marks may present themselves (see Natural marks for more information). We portray each of the products on our site as accurately as possible but please be aware that there may be some natural variations in the leather. Please rest assured that each product is well made and is an aesthetic equivalent of what is shown on the website.